
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Making Invitations

Are you interested in making personalized invitations? On my spare time, I love making art work out of ordinary things. It started when I did my first scrap book during elementary days. My important accomplishment was when I assist my brother in his wedding preparation. My sister-in-law gave me a sample of wedding invitation that she like to have. She then gave me instructions what paper to use and augment the design to make it more personalize. Some materials were not available so; I made some suggestions. To make the story short, the invitation turned out very good. The couples were happy with the finish product of their wedding invitation. Then, when my closest cousin got married the following year, he assigned me to make his invitation too. And I gladly did. Two years ago, it was my turn to make my own wedding invitation. At first, I can't find the right material and the design that I most desired. But, after few adjustments, I was able to make a personalized wedding invitation that I love on my wedding day. All our friends like the invitation that I made. Personally, I am very much pleased with my wedding invitation.

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