When it comes to getting a good shave, one of the most important things you can do is get the best gear possible. The reason that the equipment you choose is so important is because things like dull razors, or shaving cream that doesn’t lubricate adequately can leave your skin irritated, dry, or full of cuts. One of the best pieces of advice to get the best gear possible is not to buy your razors and shave cream from your local grocery store. Although these will do the job, if you are after a truly great shave that is irritation free, you will need to up the ante on the quality of shave gear you get. To find only the best, you should go a specialty shave shop and invest in either a quality straight razor or quality safety razors. This article will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each.

Straight Razors
The art of using a safety razor is something that was lost for almost a century after the invention of the safety razor, but has made a strong comeback in recent years due to a growing romanticism with shaving and other things like it. Using a straight razor can be a great way to get a good shave, especially if you are styling your facial hair as it gives you maximum control over what hairs get cut and where. It does take some practice to do correctly, so if you have never used one, you will have to be patient while you get the hang of it.
Modern Razors
Modern safety razors are the most common and most popular choice around the world. These razors are a good choice because they are cheap, easy to use, and require relatively little skill. However, when shopping for one of these razors, you need to pay careful attention to the quality of manufacturing because some models have multiple blade designs that can cause a lot of irritation if the blades are not exactly parallel with each other. To get the best razor possible, only buy from a specialty shave shop that knows what the best gear is.
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