These are just few of the scenery that I love about this highway. As long as the sky is clear and the weather is fine, this road is very exciting route to travel.

I saw many gift shops like this one and the prices were really remarkable, very affordable.

Oh I love the view of the seaside. Well, if hurricane comes, this is not the right way to pass. I don't see any sea wall really. Isn't this place very inviting for a weekend getaway?

One of the trip which is forested but still very close to small towns.

See the silhouette ? Looks like an art painting.

I just love the sky and and the earth meet. Fascinated by it.

This is actually a vacation house a little bit distant from the road but, look at the wooden bridge, very long and the view fronting this house is truly fabulous.

There are no rest area in this highway so, hotels like this one is available like a mushroom.

Another hotel, the view is fronting the beach.

I lost count how many bridges like this that we passed by.

Over looking the bridge, crane down...

Some vacation houses and cottages back to back view of the sea. More to post. I hope you like the pictures more than I did. Take note: I took the pictures from the car with 55m/hr speed.
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