Early this morning, Gabby Douglas, the TWO TIME OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST is one of the guests in Fox News. It is so nice to see her on the limelight (once again) promoting another great product. This time, she endorses the Flips for Sony. Who else has the right to endorse the Flip from Sony? It's none other than Gabby Douglas, the Olympic Gold Medalist that can perform a perfect flip! If you are a fan of Sony's VAIO, you will be glad with this news:

The VAIO | Flip PC, Tap 11 Tablet PC and Tap 21 all-in-one PC are now available for pre-order from Sony and Best Buy for $1099
From $749 to $999, you can choose from these items:
VAIO Fit 13A | Flip PC
VAIO Fit 15A | Flip PC
VAIO Fit 14A | Flip PC
Tap 11 PC and Tap 21 PC
For VAIO | Flip and Tap 11 PCs : check these items in Sony and Best Buy today.
As for me who can't afford this gadget, I will just join the Sony Flip Sweepstakes.
Here is how to Win a Flip PC /VAIO® :
For Twitter entry:
1. Get creative and tell them what you’d do with a Sony #VAIOFlip by tweeting your answer to @SonyElectronics
2. Make sure #VAIOFlip is included in your tweet so your entry will be counted.
tweet sample:
- @SonyElectronics I will take a flip video of myself #VAIOFlip
- @SonyElectronics To capture many selfie photos #VAIOFlip
For Comment Entry:
1. Feel free to submit your response in the comment section of link below:
2. Make sure you provide your correct email address so Sony can contact you if you win.
3. Copy and Paste this link in your browser and add your entry: http://blog.sony.com/2013/11/vaio-flip-sweeps/
They allow one entry per person/per day. U.S. residents only. They will select one winner randomly and this sweepstakes starts at 9 a.m. ET, Nov 4 and ends 5 p.m. ET, Nov 18. The winner will be contacted via Direct Message on Twitter or through the email address provided to the Sony Blog. Check the official rules at Blog.Sony.Com. Goodluck to all well, especially to me (wink) oppsss.
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